
QR Code Generator With Logo

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Create a QR Code With Logo

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What is a Logo with QR code?

A Logo with QR code is a type of marketing tool to increase the engagement of regular black-and-white logos.

A QR code with Logo in the middle is far more eye-catching so customers can find it amongst all other designs.

No matter what type of QR code you are creating, you can always add a custom logo to its design. It’s completely printable and can be used online as well.

QR code generator with a logo inside

How does a QR code with Logo work?

A company logo on its website

Create logo

To create a QR code with a custom logo you will first need to create a logo representing your brand.

The Pageloot landing page where you can select a QR code to create

Choose QR Code

Then on Pageloot, you can select whatever type of QR code you want to create and start filling it with the information required.

Customizing the logo of the QR code in the tool section of Pageloot


As you head onto QR code customization that’s when you will need to add your brand logo to the inside of the QR code.

A new QR code with logo inside on a business flyer


Generate your QR code and make sure the logo is clear and the QR code is scannable. Finally, replace all your black-and-white QR code with the custom logo branded one.

How to create a Logo QR code?

Sign up

To create a QR code with a logo, you will first need to register an account on Pageloot. You can try out our 14-day free trial to test premium features like code analytics.

A preview of the Pageloot page, where you can create an account

Add data

Depending on what QR code you are creating you need to fill out all the data that's requested for generating the code.

Putting a link in the designated box in the QR code generator


When you are done with the QR code you will be able to try out various QR code designs. You can change the body type, color, edges, frame, and gradient.

In the design section, changing the way the basic QR code with logo looks

Add logo

Now most importantly to finish up, add your logo. You can choose from available logos or upload your own version.

Choosing logos to add to the QR code

Test, save & download QR code with logo

Finish, by saving and downloading your QR code with logo. Now you can include and print the QR code on advertisements to share with your customers.

Downloading the finished QR code with Logo

All done!

Why do I need a personalized QR code?

How to create QR code with a logo for a small business

Nowadays you should create QR code with logo to personalize your QR code. Regular square-shaped and black-and-white QR codes are no longer interesting.

Even though QR codes can carry a lot of useful information in them, customers choose to ignore them because of how many there are. So to catch your audience’s attention and increase QR code scans make sure you customize it and add a logo.

Frequently asked questions

  • How to make a personalized QR code?

To make a personalized QR code you can try different design options for the QR code, like changing its colors and shapes, but the best option is to add a logo with QR code. A brand logo will allow customers to recognize your company’s logo faster and trust them.

  • How to create a QR code with logo?

To create a QR code with a logo inside you can use Pageloot’s QR code tool. If you don’t have a logo yet, you can find many logo generators for free online.

  • What do I need to make a QR code with a logo in the middle?

To make a QR code with a logo all you really need is your brand’s logo or you can choose from the options available. The logo can truly be anything you wish but remember to keep it simple and the end result will be cropped round.

  • Where can I find a free QR code with logo generator?

On Pageloot you can create a Logo QR code free of charge during the 14-day free trial period. In those days you will be able to try out all the features.

  • How to scan a QR code with a custom logo?

Simply open your smartphone camera app and point it at the QR code. Nowadays, all modern smartphones support QR code scanning natively. You don’t need to download any apps.

Frequently asked questions icon
More questions?

Contact us and we’ll be happy to help!

Trusted by top brands

4.86 / 5 stars rating

Hugo Laurent
Hugo Laurent
Restaurant owner
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The most easy and reliable QR code Generator ever. PDF files can be uploaded instantly. Our restaurant menus are now digital.
Lucas Jansen
Lucas Jansen
Real estate developer
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This is an excellent tool and the QR codes take you to just where you want. We only use the location QR code but there are so many useful features.
Emma Moretti
Emma Moretti
Retail products
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Easy to use and quick. It works great and creates a perfect images, so employees can download my vCard.
Hugo Laurent
Hugo Laurent
Restaurant owner
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The most easy and reliable QR code Generator ever. PDF files can be uploaded instantly. Our restaurant menus are now digital.
Lucas Jansen
Lucas Jansen
Real estate developer
Read More
This is an excellent tool and the QR codes take you to just where you want. We only use the location QR code but there are so many useful features.
Emma Moretti
Emma Moretti
Retail products
Read More
Easy to use and quick. It works great and creates a perfect images, so employees can download my vCard.

Generate a QR code with logo inside

Free 14-day trial. No credit card required.

QR code generator dashboard preview

Where to use a QR code custom logo?

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An event advertisement billboard with many QR codes with logos inside

At big events, there are usually many companies representing their brand and if everyone printed a typical black-and-white logo they would get confused.

Stickers with app download QR code with logo inside for customers

If your QR code is leading to an app download page, make sure you include that app’s logo in the QR code design.

A few branded logo QR codes in a coupon magazine

Share a custom Logo QR code on coupon flyers and magazines. This way customers interested in coupons for your brand can scan your specific QR code to get transferred to a coupon page.

A few menu logo QR codes on food court tables

You can now easily include a menu QR code at each food court table by adding your brand logo to it. This way customers can get seated and access your menu from their tables and they won’t get confused about which QR code is yours.

How to get more scans for a logo QR code?

Best practices & tips for a QR code logos

Ensure contrast

When including the logo inside a QR code you must make sure that it has the right amount of contrast, so it is clear, visible, and scannable.

A high-quality Logo QR code on a flyer
Altering the logo size inside of the QR code in tools
Mind logo size

To avoid troubles with scanning the QR code make sure your logo is small and doesn’t obstruct the view of the actual QR code.

Add details about the QR code

Always add a CTA description, a small phrase, explaining what customers can find by scanning the Logo QR code.

A high-quality Logo QR code on a flyer
A custom Logo QR code on a coupon website
Share Logo QR code actively

Make sure you share your custom Logo QR code actively, share it online, and print it in many offline locations. This will ensure more scans and brand logo visibility.

Generate a QR code with logo inside

Free 14-day trial. No credit card required.

Different styles of QR codes created

Benefits of using a QR code with a logo inside

People scanning a QR code with Logo on a billboard

Attention-grabbing design

Anything different from a plain black-and-white QR code is already attention-grabbing. Moreover with a colorful logo inside you can surely raise the engagement count.

People taking business cards with Logo QR codes on them


Adding a logo can greatly improve the credibility of a QR code. When users will see a QR code with a brand logo they know this will boost scanning rates.

A group scanning a discount QR code with logo inside

Convenient marketing

Many marketing campaigns can take a long time to work, but a simple logo inside of a QR code is one of the best marketing tools businesses can use.

Adding a logo to a QR code in the tools section

Cost-effective solution

Adding a logo to your QR code requires no extra costs or knowledge, it’s as simple as can be. For such a no-cost tool it shows great results.

Customer shares QR code with logo with different users that access the code from different devices

Easy to share tool

You can put your QR code with Logo on any printed or digital promotional material. The ability to edit the QR code after it was created ensures you can always keep the code up-to-date even after it was shared.

Customer scans a Logo QR code at a shop

Improved branding

As you share your QR code, having a logo on it allows your customers to recognize your brand faster. Familiarity with the brand helps to get more engagement with the code.


Learn more about QR codes with logos

How to make a custom QR code

Make QR Codes with Custom Design

A selection of professionally designed business cards featuring integrated QR codes

Make QR Codes for Business Cards


Get 30% off your first purchase

Use the code:

Share your MP3 files

Sign up to create PDF QR codes

Upload and display everything you need:

  • Audio files
  • Podcasts
  • Music
sign up to create an audio mp3 QR code

Get more scans with frames

Sign up to add more frames to your QR codes

Call-to-action frames help your customers interact with the QR Code easily. Try them out!

Sign up to add more frames to your QR codes

Add more style with shapes

Signup to create more shapes

QR Codes don’t have to be square. Try switching it up to fit your brand’s image.

Signup to create more shapes

Add a logo to your QR Code

Sign up to add your logo to QR codes

Make your QR code stand out by adding your logo and brand to it.

Sign up to add your logo to QR codes

Smart App Store redirects

Sign up to create an app store QR code

Add your App links to our smart App Store QR Code. The users are redirected based on their device.

Sign up to create an app store QR code

Upload an image to a QR Code

Sign up to create image QR codes

Share your images easily. Change any image dynamically within seconds.

Sign up to create image QR codes

Share your PDF files

Sign up to create PDF QR codes

Upload and display everything you need:

  • Menus & price lists
  • Instructions
  • Any documents
Sign up to create PDF QR codes

Edit later without printing

Sign up to edit your QR codes without printing again

Dynamic QR Codes let you change the contents of your QR Code without having to print new ones.

Sign up to edit your QR codes without printing again

When? Where? Track your QR Code scans

Sign up to track your QR codes

Discover which of your QR Codes receive the most scans and what excites your clients the most.

Sign up to track your QR codes

Print ready files available

Sign up to create vector QR codes like PDF and SVG


Want to download your QR Codes in HD resolution? Get vector or pixel formats that are ready to be printed.

Sign up to create vector QR codes like PDF and SVG

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Make it your own

Sign up to save your QR code for later

Get more scans by creating awesome QR Codes with different colors, logos and call-to-action frames.

Sign up to save your QR code for later