All the latest news on QR Codes
All the latest news on QR Codes
Upload and display everything you need:
Call-to-action frames help your customers interact with the QR Code easily. Try them out!
QR Codes don’t have to be square. Try switching it up to fit your brand’s image.
Make your QR code stand out by adding your logo and brand to it.
Add your App links to our smart App Store QR Code. The users are redirected based on their device.
Share your images easily. Change any image dynamically within seconds.
Upload and display everything you need:
Dynamic QR Codes let you change the contents of your QR Code without having to print new ones.
Discover which of your QR Codes receive the most scans and what excites your clients the most.
Want to download your QR Codes in HD resolution? Get vector or pixel formats that are ready to be printed.
Get more scans by creating awesome QR Codes with different colors, logos and call-to-action frames.